A regional partnership to fight sickle cell disease
"Living better with sickle cell disease", a unique and innovative combined offer built around shared human values

Biomaneo (based in Dijon) and Calao Formation (based in Dole) want to contribute to the fight against sickle cell disease in African countries, and to unite their skills and expertise to offer a better future to the patients and their families, with a maximum of people informed, alerted, and detected. While having a better perception of the complexity of the disease, its transmission risks, then master the treatment at home.
This ambitious partnership shares several objectives:
- To propose the detection and the therapeutic education directly in the countries where the population is the most affected by the sickle cell disease.
- To alert this population and give them access to the principal information about sickle cell disease.
- And to train the health care professions in the countries concerned in :
- screening for sickle cell disease by mass spectrometry with Biomaneo's NeoSickle® kit, which will allow large-scale screening, with reliable and rapid results, at reduced costs,
- in the educational implementation of the “Malle des savoirs drépanocytose®” with Calao Formation, that will enable the local transfer of skills of this prevention program “ready to use”.