International Congress of Sickle Cell Disease From 13 to 15 June 2018
Biomaneo will be present at the 2nd International Sickle Cell Disease Symposium coupled with the 7th REDAC Symposium (Network for the Study of Sickle Cell Disease in Central Africa)

Biomaneo has been selected to participate in these major events dedicated to advancing the strategy of countries in the WHO African region in the fight against sickle cell disease.
We will present the results of the demonstration study carried out in Madagascar in 2017 with its kit dedicated to the screening of sickle cell disease by mass spectrometry, in collaboration with the HJRA Hospital and the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar and the NGO LCDM SOLIMA.
We will also present the combined offer developed by the Biomaneo/Calao Cluster for the sensitization and screening of sickle cell disease in African countries, in collaboration with the Yopougon Hospital and the Pasteur Institute in Abidjan.
The merger of International Sickle Cell Disease Symposium with the au 7th REDAC Symposium (Network for the Study of Sickle Cell Disease in Central Africa) permettra de mettre en avant les actions menées en faveur de la lutte contre la drépanocytose en rassemblant plus de 18 pays et tous les acteurs impliqués : corps médical, partenaires techniques et financiers. Le programme a été conçu selon les recommandations de l’OMS, pour offrir une vue d’ensemble des enjeux et défis actuels pour la gestion et le traitement de la drépanocytose et de ses complications.